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Pupil Premium


The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011. It was allocated to children from low-income families who were known to be eligible for free school meals, and children who had been looked after continuously for more than six months. Eligibility for the Pupil Premium for 2012–13 was extended to pupils who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months, and a smaller amount for the children of service personnel. Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit. However, they are accountable for how they use the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families and the other target groups. 


Please note that Hardwick House School is an independent special school.  As an independent school, commissioning Local Authorities responsible for the payment of school fees do not have to pass on the Pupil Premium to the school and Pupil Premium is paid in varying amounts from different local authorities.


Total amount received for Pupil Premium in 2019/2020: £ 0


Total amount received for Pupil Premium in 2020/2021: £ 545.41


Total amount received for Pupil Premium in 2021/2022: £ 935.00


Learners receiving Pupil Premium funding have benefited from one or more of the following additional provisions:

  • Photography equipment

  • Specialist cookery resources

  • Specialist equipment for college course

  • Specialist additional therapy

  • Specific equipment to aid sensory regulation

  • Provision of upgraded and new outdoor play equipment to enhance sensory regulation

  • Additional Wellbeing and Outdoor Learning opportunities.



Covid Recovery Premium


In February 2021, the government announced a one-off recovery premium as part of its package of funding to support education recovery.  The recovery premium provides additional funding for schools in the 2021 to 2022 academic year. Building on the pupil premium, this funding is to help schools to support disadvantaged pupils.


Total amount received for Covid Recovery Premium in 2020/2021: £5240


Total amount received for Covid Recovery Premium in 2021/2022: £2580 (final amount TBC)


Hardwick House School has used Covid Recovery Premium funding for the following additional provisions:

  • Additional books and teaching resources to enable individual use and reduce risk of covid transmission. 

  • Online learning packages to support remote learning.

  • Specific equipment to aid sensory regulation.



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