Local Support & Groups​
Many of our parents often report that being the parent of a child with autism can be lonely. There are many support groups, both locally and nationally, however they can sometimes be a bit tricky to find. Below you will find a selection of groups that we think may be of interest as they are local.
Hardwick House School is not affiliated to these groups and cannot guarantee that they will always be available, however they are a good place to start. Please see the most updated guidance in Leicestershire here.
The Leicestershire Autistic Society
This well-established group provide support, information and advice to families and professionals dealing with Autism in Leicestershire, Leicester City and Rutland. They produce a regular newsletter called Link-Up. The newsletter and more information can be found at www.leicestershireautisticsociety.org.uk
Leicestershire Parent Carer Forum
This is a supportive and knowledgeable group of parents who have a closed group on Facebook which can be joined.
Charnwood Autism Support
Charnwood Autism Support is for parents and carers to meet and support each other. The group shares knowledge and information, offer refreshments, and have occasional guest speakers. They are part of Leicestershire Autistic Society. They can be found on Facebook by searching for ‘charnwood autism support’.
Spectrum LAS
This is a support group for parents and carers of children with ASD. They have two meetings per month in Market Harborough. This group can also be found on Facebook or can be contacted by email spectrumLAS@yahoo.co.uk